Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fight Dementia Challenge Day 5

This "Simple Crochet for Beginners"  book is from the 1940’s and I'd just like to say that people must have been a lot smarter then. Because, beginner crochet people, this book has no diagrams, mystifyingly brief instructions and a presumption you are, in fact, already completely brilliant at crochet!

"Delicate Lace Revers Give An Enchanting Finish To A Little Dark Dress"
Never heard of "revers" but glad to make them, wear them. Bring back the revers I say.


This is my first attempt at filet crochet.


...a style of crochet my Great Grandmother was a real star at. You can see more of her World War One commemorative quilt here.

Great Granny's Quilt is incredibly detailed and intricate. I now have an even better appreciation
of how much work this must have been!
I used  thicker cotton than the very fine cotton suggested by the pattern (for so called beginners!)and a small metal hook and my "rever" turned out to be rather large. So if I attempt to reproduce it I will use thinner cotton – and now I have the hang of it I think I could. It’s wise to start with a thicker yarn so you can see the chains and loops more easily. I’m excited to have worked out a filet pattern. It’s a style I like. And I have some wonderful patterns including a crazy squirrel design.


  1. Wow! Your work is exquisite. :-)
    So happy you'll [all] be joining us for Blogtoberfest12.

    1. Nice to meet you Kat and thanks for being the hostess with the mostess for Blogtoberfest!

  2. Th only filet I know is mignon. Don't think you could crochet with that! Your great granny's quilt is so beautiful. You've inherited a talent there.

    1. Great Granny was AMAZING at crochet! The work that is in that quilt is mind boggling! HOURS and HOURS and DAYS and DAYS!
