Which do you prefer? The short term craft fling? Or the long term craft commitment?

But can you go past the ever faithful long term craft project? The project that, even when you have stuffed it in a cupboard or plastic tub out the back, still unfurls all its charm and promise just for you?
The craft that may require more toil but brings with it more rewards than the fleeting highs and lows of a crafternoon fling?
Working on it is like slipping on your slightly worn but most comfortable boots.
Craft commitment has it’s challenges too –keeping your eyes on the overall goals, staving off the boredom of the domestic every day. Sometimes, so familiar, you take it for granted and don’t realise a problem can arise just a row or two into the future!
But whatever happens, you know it is there for you, for as long as it takes, for as long as you want it to take.
You feel the right “fit” and you start up where you left off.

But whatever happens, you know it is there for you, for as long as it takes, for as long as you want it to take.
When the flings are all over and your tired from the roller coaster ride of learning new tricks, soaring on the heights of completion endorphins and the lows of post craft completion blues, the long term craft is there waiting. You can snuggle up for the evening and continue like you’ve never been apart.
Well, I don't know about you, but this crafter needs a bit of both!This week I have dragged out the latch hook rug made from recycling jumper seams.I started it late last year. It's for my teenage daughter’s room – but let’s face it. There’s hardly a floor space in there anyway!
It’s so relaxing to be working on something simple, methodical, deadline free and easy!
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