Thursday, August 7, 2014

Farewell for now, Gleaners Inc

Long live the Queen - Our Queen Liz, Queen of Glean.
Alas, Gleaners Inc has closed the shop doors. Sparta Place sure is a lot more Spartan without it too! As the main brain behind the gorgeous ethical gift shop, Liz has been gone above and beyond the role of a stockist. She has been the champion of all things hand crafted, recycled and ecologically sound AND she's super cool.

With the shop she has supported makers around the country by promoting, selling and just sharing the love.  She has even packed our stuff up in vintage suitcases and taken them to the BIG markets like Finders Keepers to further our exposure and to represent us there.

 As a curator, initiating various group shows in the Stairway to Nowhere Gallery, she  has been inspiring. The Gleaners Inc art challenges have been open and inspirational. I really feel Liz has given me opportunity to extend my creativity and skills - to be brave and experiment. The exhibitions have allowed me to participate in larger festivals like Craft Victoria's Craft Cubed and Melbourne Fashion Week - something I could never have achieved as an individual.
And that's where the "Inc." part of Gleaners Inc is so important.  Liz has welcomed us all as part of the whole group hug that is Gleaners Incorporated. I feel lost without it already!

The good news is that Liz will still be the chief designer cutter gluer at Betty Jo Designs and that she has a new light filled studio in the hood to continue her work.  And I also have the feeling that Gleaners Inc may pop up again - I know I still feel incorporated.


  1. No, YOU are super cool!
    from one "Craft Mum" to another.

  2. So great that Gleaners Inc supported creatives. Looked like a super cool place - I love the photo of different shots of the store. And Liz looks lovely too.
    Here's to good things to come for you both. : )

    1. Feeling the void Gleaners has left in my craft life Donna. But I've got the feeling Gleaners will be continue in other ways.

  3. I say go Liz for giving it a shot during these times which have been effing hard for retailers and are just going to get harder, unfortunately. I am pretty sure that a woman with her talent, ideas and drive will come up with lots of exciting ideas and ways to explore the wonderfulness of craft and vintage. And go down a path that makes her happy, most importantly of all.
