reading review:
It is the time of year when everyone
trots out their best of lists. I’m joining the herd and assessing my year
in books.
Can reading be a career? I wish. Author Jane Rawson noted during the year that she takes time off work to write but taking
time off work to read doesn’t seem to be possible. It’s interesting because
reading is very important to my life - which it should be. As is goes hand in
hand with writing, learning and personal development, reading is so much more
to me than a leisure activity!
I have aimed to read better and to
be more informed in my choices rather than to read whatever turns up in the
second hand shop/ op shop/library shelf. This more targeted approach has been
incredibly rewarding. I’m enjoying reading more than ever. And I have to say,
it’s thanks to TECHNOLOGY! Yes! Goodreads. I can keep track of books that pique
my interest and the phone app enables me to seek them out when I am at a
library. And an E-reader – makes books more affordable, simple to buy and it’s
easy on the eyes.
So far in 2015 I have read (and sometimes
given up on…) 56 books. Female authors dominate the list coming in at 34 while
books by male authors only numbered 20. Of all of those books, 17 were Australian
books: 4 by male authors, 13 by female
authors. This is in part thanks to my Australian Women Writers challenge (which
will get a post of its own!) 5 books were kids chapter books I read for my kids
book club and only 5 books were nonfiction.
Now for the BEST of them:
Of the Australian books:

“Black Rock White City” by another Melbourne local, A.S. Patric was not only engrossing but
devastating and has a dark power that is hard to shake off – it got into my
pores like tattoo ink. Mark Henshaw’s “The Snow Kimono” was simply remarkable.
Rohan Wilson’s wonderful western set in Launceston in the 1870’s, “To Name Those Lost” was gritty, epic, dark, astute and terse. Much like Tasmania in general. Think
Australian "Deadwood." Peggy Frew impressed with “Hope Farm” and Jenny Ackland
delighted with “The Secret Son”. Jenny Ackland is voracious and discerning reader and her blog, Seraglio, is a great one to follow. Another favourite this year was “The Other Side of the World” by Stephanie Bishop
devastated me to the point that I had to reimagine the ending in order to go to sleep.
Of the International books:
I discovered Barbara Trapido and
read her books voraciously not wanting to leave the worlds she created or the
cast of characters who become like friends. I read four back to back.

Jenny Offill’s "Department of Speculation" was a brief, word perfect
story of motherhood and marriage. She avoided clichés while being honest in the most
creative ways. I read it in one sitting. My other blown-away–by-the-talent
encounter was with the short stories of Scottish author Stuart Evers. I read the collection “Your Father Sends His Love”– it actually made me want to give up writing short stories – or get a lot
better at it! “A God in Ruins” by Kate Atkinson, so heartbreakingly human in
the telling of a life, moved me to tears and once again confirmed how much I
adore Kate Atkinson. Ali Smith was another discovery – what a remarkable story
teller. “How to be Both” won some well-deserved accolades doesn’t need my
endorsement except to say how wonderfully clever Ali Smith is.
Then there were the Irish books: Niall
Williams’ “History of the Rain" is closest to my heart. I read it slowly.
Savoured the language. Laughed. Cried. A Memorable for Life sort of book. The other, also set in
West Ireland was Ann Enright’s “The Green Road”. Simply, just brilliant. Oh the
Irish. They woo me with their lyrical turn of phrase, wisdom that seems as old
as the rocks and it brews in me a nostalgia I don’t even understand! I haven’t
even been to Ireland!

2015 was also notable for
my first Jonathan Franzen novel, “Freedom”. I just wanted to shout at everyone
what a masterpiece this book is! But then everyone already knew…I’m late in
discovering him.
Of the meagre list of non-fiction I
read the standout is Chloe Hooper’s “The Tall Man.” An important book for Autralia. A moving
book. A difficult book; brilliantly crafted, investigated and navigated.
A reading highlight was being
invited to talk books as part of the Read with Raf book club on the local ABC radio 774 drive program with Rafael Epstein. The books discussed were “Wolf in White Van” by John
Darnielle and “Us” by David Nichols. I wrote extensive reviews of them both. It is also thanks to this radio book club that I read "Black Rock White City."
I did give up on 6 books. Something
I wouldn’t have done when I was younger but, hey, so many books, so little time….7
books if you count the Will Self book I gave up on yesterday.
And the year isn’t over. In keeping with the overall strong pattern of
my reading – I am reading, you guessed it, a female Australian author: Anna
Funder's “All That I Am.”
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