Which is exactly what I did. The latter. (Phew! I hear you all sigh in relief.)Baby Joe obligingly fell asleep to the not so gentle rocking of the bumble bee tram and I was able to wander about and look at what I wanted to first, before taking him to the dinosaurs.
The women with clever hands was a glorious journey through indigenous weaving and beading that was simply breath taking. No photo taking allowed here but I got this image from the museum website.
Women with Clever Hands
Gapuwiyak Miyalkurruwurr Gong Djambatjmala
Until 28 Aug 2011
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Joyce Milpuna Bidingal, Coiled basket (detail) 2007 |
An exhibition showcasing Aboriginal fibre work.
Women with Clever Hands features fibre work by women artists from Gapuwiyak in northeast Arnhem Land. The exhibition features baskets, bags, mats, sculptural figures and jewellery.These beautiful works combine simple, functional shapes with intricate design, fine detail and subtle colour, all of which reflect the complexities of their land and their culture.
Too true. Exquisite weaving in really interesting rich colours. Navy, green, orange, yellow red and purple. Sculptural pieces. Huge circular mats. Some beading with seeds so tiny it would take magic to pierce them and not split them. I mean really mind bogglingly tiny seeds.
Judy Baypungala | Wurlaki people NT b.1941 | Circular mat (detail) 2004 | Twined pandanus palm leaf with natural dyes | 307cm (diam.) | Purchased 2005. Queensland Art | Gallery Foundation Grant | Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | © Judy Baypungala 2004. Licensed by Viscopy, Sydney, 2009 |
The mats were mesmerising as an abstract visual. Just hypnotic. The delicate work and stories attached really deserve some time to take in. Perfect for while Joe slept.

Then, for Baby Joe's amusement, it was on to see the dinosaurs and animals – which I must say, I found completely inspirational and gave me the impetus to get a wriggle on with a re-sew-cool idea I’ve had for some time. Will show you all the results soon!
All in all a perfect afternoon. I think Joe enjoyed it too.
posted by Julianne sisteroutlaw
Hi Julianne! Lovely to meet you. I have had a lot of fun looking around your blog this morning, and I will definitely have to go to this exhibition.
ReplyDeleteThanks and all the best!